- What are some disadvantages of cloning?
- What does RNA interference accomplish?
- What are homeotic genes?
- Cloning does not increase genetic diversity. And cloned animals may face health problems related to abnormal gene regulation.
- It prevents expression of a gene by interfering with translation of its RNA product, involves binding of small, complementary RNAs to mRNA molecules and leads to degradation of mRNA or inhibition of translation.
- Homeotic genes are master control genes that determine the anatomy of the body, specifying structures that will develop in each segment.
Gene Expression- the overall process of information flow from genes to proteins.
Operon- a group of genes under coordinated control in bacteria.
Repressor- can bind and block RNA polymerase action.
Regulatory Gene- codes for a repressor protein.
Activators- enhance RNA polymerase binding to the promoter.
Transcription factors- promote RNA polymerase binding to the promoter.
Silencers-repressors that inhibit transcription.
Signal transduction pathway- a series of molecular changes that converts a signal at the cell's surface to a response within the cell.
Reproductive cloning- used to produce animals with desirable traits.
Adult stem cells- can produce many but not all types of cells.
Important Facts:
- Eukaryotic chromosomes undergo multiple levels of folding and coiling, called DNA packing. DNA packing can prevent transcription.
- Control of gene expression occurs with breakdown of mRNA, initiation of translation, protein activation, and protein breakdown.
- Nuclear transplantation is the replacing of the nucleus of an egg or zygote with a nucleus from an adult somatic cell.
- Cloned animals can show differences from their parent due to the variety of influences during development.
- Carcinogens are cancer-causing agents that damage DNA and promote cell division.